168 High Street Dudley West Midlands DY1 1QD
Mon – Fri 10:30am till 5:30pm , Saturday 10am till 5:30pm
You will be entitled to a free NHS sight test if you meet any of the following criteria
  • Are aged 60 or over.

  • Are aged 40 or over and with a parent, sister, brother with Glaucoma.

  • Are registered severely sight-impaired/blind or sight-impaired/partially sighted.

  • Suffering from Diabetes.

  • Suffering from Glaucoma.

  • Considered to be at risk from Glaucoma as advised by an ophthalmologist.

If you’re entitled to or named on:
  • A valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate – if you don’t have a certificate, you can show your award notice; you qualify if you get Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits with a disability element (or both) and have income for tax credit purposes of £15,276 or less.

  • Named on a valid HC2 certificate. People named on a valid HC3 certificate may also get some help. You will be asked to show proof of your entitlement to free NHS sight tests.

You can get a free NHS sight test and an optical voucher for glasses:
  • If you are aged under 16.

  • Aged 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education.

  • Receiving income support or your partner (including civil partner)

  • Receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependent of someone receiving Income-based, Jobseeker’s Allowance (not contribution based)

  • If your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependent of someone receiving Pension Credit/Guarantee Credit

  • If your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependent of someone receiving Income based Employment and Support Allowance. 

  • If your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependent of someone receiving: Universal Credit and meet the criteria.

  • Require complex lenses

  • A prisoner on leave from prison

Please don’t hesitate to contact us .